UE4 Bullet Hole System


Since the first day of Rainbow Six Siege I was amazed by the implementation of see through bullet holes. For a long time now I am trying to achieve a similar effect in UE4. The solution for me was "Draw to Render Target" in Combination with a heightmap.

Close up of two bullet holes, with different depth and different wall Textures.

What is implemented?

So far I have implemented 3 walls and one door that can be penetrated by bullets. All walls have the dimensions 400x300x5 and the door 90x195x5.

What can be adjusted?

With the Bullet Hole Systeme you get an Actor called "BulletHoleSystem".When you placed it in the world you get by default a simple wall. If you want to change the type of wall just change the Value of  "Type Of Wall". 

Changing the texture of the wall and bullet holes is just as easy as changing the type. Simply replace the unliked texture with your own one and adjust it with the U/Vtilling.

Furthermore you can adjust the size of the bullet holes and of the surrounding damage textures.

It is also possible to change the depth of the walls but keep in mind that they are only optimized for the values 1 and 2. If you want to use other Values, you may have to tweak the M_BulletHole material a little bit. In it simply adjust the Opacity Mask Clip Value.

Adjust everything in the Actor
It is possible to penetrate multible walls.
